Academic Appeals
Sometimes things don't add up. We guide students through the process of final grade reappraisals and reconsiderations.

If a grade is lower than you think it should be, or an extenuating circumstance limited your ability to complete work or attend an exam, we can help!
Grade Appeal Deadline
If you received a grade that doesn't align with what you expected, or you faced extenuating circumstances, you have 10 business days from the day you receive your grade to file an appeal.
Grade Appeal Assistance
It's important to note that we guide you through the process, but you have to file on your own behalf.
Graduate Appeal Process
For graduate student appeal processes, please see the Graduate Academic Calendar or contact the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.
We help guide you through the process.
Forms of Appeals
Make sure you understand which form of appeal best suits your situation.
Final Grade Reconsideration ($0)
A final grade reconsideration is a request to have your grade reconsidered based on extenuating circumstances.
If applicable, supporting documents, such as a medical statement or death certificate, must be submitted at the time of appeal.
Final Grade Reappraisal ($30)
A final grade reappraisal is a request to have course content re-marked. You wish to have a specific, tangible piece of work reappraised.

The Appeal Process
Follow these steps to submit an academic appeal.
Book an appointment with us
Schedule a meeting with us to discuss your situation here.
Fill out appeals form(s)
Final Grade Reappraisal/Reconsideration Form found here.
File appeal with the Office of the Registrar
Contact information and business hours can be found here.
Get your response from the university
Responses may take up to 20 business days.
Contact us again if follow-up is necessary
We may be able to help you with next steps.
Additional Resources
Here you can find more information.