
Society Elections: Uncovering hidden benefits



March 13, 2025

As a student, do you struggle with gaining the professional experience you see in job postings? It can be tough, no doubt. But there’s a secret weapon that all Ontario Tech students have. And literally every one of you already has access to it!

In our eyes, one of the best ways to get the experience employers are looking for and setting yourself apart is to get involved with your student society.

Whether you’ve been a team leader before or you’re starting from scratch, being an executive with your faculty-based society is the perfect place to build skills that will make you stand out, as well as give you confidence to stroll into your first “real job” with your head held high.

So let’s break it down. Why is getting involved with your student society a good bet? Three things:

  • Exclusive opportunities
  • Supercharge your resume
  • Fun and rewarding experiences

“As President of the Health Science Society, I’ve had the incredible opportunity to work directly with professors, staff, OTSU, students, and businesses to bring our vision to life. Being in a society is more than just a leadership role; it’s about making an impact through networking, organizing events, or shaping the student experience. From deciding which events happen to picking out what merchandise represents our faculty, being in Health SOC gives YOU the power to create change. You’re not just a student; you’re a representative of your peers.”— Kashaf Awan President, Health Science Society

Exclusive Opportunities

Your society provides support, mentorship, and networking opportunities to students within their faculty. Basically, if you’re, say, a business and IT student, BitSoc (your society) arranges events and initiatives throughout the year for business and IT students, from throwing networking events, to bringing industry leaders to talk to students, to arranging opportunities to develop and showcase professional skills.

A good example of this is with case competitions. Case competitions are opportunities to work on challenges facing your industry, and work as a team to present research and solutions in front of industry professionals for prizes and national recognition.

Just this year, folks in the Engineering Society won first place in the communications category, and third place for programming in the Ontario Engineering Competition. Now they’ll be competing in the Canadian Engineering Challenge. For this they’ll get to travel to Dalhousie University in Halifax for the chance to compete at the national level.

“Leading BITSoc has been a transformative experience. It allowed me to make a positive contribution to student life within FBIT and leave a lasting legacy. This opportunity opened doors to many faculty partnerships and industry connections as well as connections with other student leaders across the country. Being BITSoc President has helped me develop strategic thinking, adaptability and resilience, and will be the highlight of my university journey as one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences.”— Krupa Shah President, Business & IT Society

“As the Vice President of Academic Affairs for the Science Council, I’m granted the opportunity to focus on student wellbeing while advocating for academic improvement across the faculty. Whether organizing events or creating posts to celebrate students, this role provides a platform to make meaningful contributions to the academic experience of all students, including myself.”— Faith Farayibi, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Science Council

Supercharge your resume

Let’s be real, the job market is tough. It’s saturated with highly educated (and sometimes over qualified) candidates. And because of that, employers are increasingly looking for recruits who have a diverse range of people skills. Hard skills are table stakes, but what sets someone apart is their ability to resolve conflicts, think critically, communicate effectively, and other interpersonal skills.

As a society executive, you’ll work closely with your team to develop a “nuts to soup” strategy for the year. This means planning, marketing, and executing events; managing a budget and controlling finances; collaborating with other on- and off-campus partners; and navigating challenges along the way.

The best part of all is that you get to do this with your friends in an environment where you get to make a positive impact on your peers.

“Being a part of the GSS has been an incredibly rewarding experience. It has given me the opportunity to personally meet and connect with students from every faculty, something I wouldn't have been able to do otherwise. I've also had the privilege of helping many graduate students build similar connections, allowing them to develop networks for both professional collaboration and peer support. I'm proud to have played a role in fostering these connections during my time with the GSS.”— Sarah Rijkenberg President, Graduate Student Society

Fun and rewarding experiences

Alright, now for the fun part! Throughout the year, societies often get to travel and take part in industry specific conferences. These conferences are opportunities for students to meet and talk to employers and recruiters in their field seeking to hire up-and-coming talent. As a student, these are invaluable chances to help kick start your career.

As a member of your society’s executive team, you’ll have access to unique opportunities, like planning the events you yourself would like to attend, working alongside faculty members, and the ability to influence the direction of campus-based institutions.

Plus, each year, societies typically hold an end-of-year gala, where you get to dress all classy and enjoy an evening out with others in your program!

“Serving as an executive in a society fosters meaningful connections within the university community; whether with fellow students, professors, or staff. It transforms university from a place where you simply attend classes and complete assignments into a truly enriching, holistic experience.”— Gabrielle Dymock, President, Humanities Society

What are you waiting for?

From attending conferences, to networking with major companies and organizations, to opportunities to travel nationally or internationally, being a member of your society is chock full of opportunities to learn and grow, make friends, and have fun.

With all that, how could you not want to take part?! Get started today by clicking on the link below, your future self will thank you for it!

The best time for new beginnings is now,

💙 The OTSU

“Being VP Student Life for the Science Council allowed me to create meaningful experiences for students while developing leadership, communication, and event planning skills. It’s been a huge part of my personal growth and has opened doors academically and professionally. ”— Tuirani Kerfelec, VP Student Life, Science Council

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