Education Elections

Holding an elected position not only grants you the ability to make a positive impact within your faculty’s community, it’s also incredibly valuable leadership experience that looks great on a resume!

Education Elections

Elected Positions

Education Board Director

  • OTSU Board Director, Faculty of Education

Education Society

  • President
  • Vice-President of Bachelor of Arts
  • Vice-President of Bachelor of Education
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Equity & Policy Advisor
  • Event Coordinator
  • Philanthropy Representative
  • Social Media Representative


Any full-time student in good standing in the Faculty of Education, and who will continue to be a student for the following calendar year, can run for the Board Director position or any of the Society’s elected positions.


Elections timelineElections timeline

Why should I run?

Society executives fulfill important functions for their society so that they can continue to bring value to their membership. Societies work with the OTSU and with their faculty’s administration and professors to provide fun networking events, professional development opportunities and more.

Support and advocate for students

Work with leaders to build a strong community

Develop career-ready skills

Steps to run

Starting your campaign is quick and easy.


Read the rules

Review Nomination Overview and Elections Policy & Procedure.


Get nominated

Complete a candidate profile and get signatures from your faculty.


Submit your nomination package

Submit the nomination package by the deadline.


Attend the All-Candidates Meeting

All candidates must attend, or send a delegate, to run in the election.


Start planning your campaign

Campaign during the campaign period and get your name out there!


Await election results

Vote and wait for the results to be announced.

Documents & Resources

Everything you'll need to run.

Nomination OverviewCampaign Violation FormBylaws, Policies & Procedures

Get In Touch

If you have any questions, please reach out to our Chief Returning Officer at