Societies are faculty-based groups that are governed by students who are elected by their peers. Societies exist to provide meaningful opportunities for students of their faculties to get involved, build their skill set, and network with professionals.

Business & IT Society
The Ontario Tech Business and IT Student Society shall: i. Represent and provide a legitimate voice for Ontario Tech University undergraduate students in the Faculty of Business and Information Technology; ii. To promote and coordinate social, athletic, recreational, professional, and academic activities for its members; iii. To cultivate a spirit of interest, assistance and fellowship amongst its members; iv. To liaise with organizations of professional business people, the administration and faculty, other peoples and organization at Ontario Tech, on behalf of the business and information technology undergraduate student body; v. To work collaboratively with the USU Executive and Faculty administration to develop strategic plans as it may affect members of our faculty; and vi. Act within the principles of equality, freedom and democracy.
Engineering Society
The Ontario Tech Engineering Students’ Society, also known as Ontario Tech EngSoc, is the representative student body for all undergraduate full-time students enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science (FEAS). Ontario Tech EngSoc funds and collaborates with engineering clubs and groups, organizing professional development, social and academic events for over 2000 members and proudly represents engineering students at Ontario’s fastest growing university. Established and registered in 2003 under the Student Association at Ontario Tech originally as a club and later in 2008 as a society, Ontario Tech EngSoc is one of the largest and most active students’ societies at the university.
Faculty of Education Student Association
FESA is the Faculty of Education Student Association. This organization supports student life and engagement within the Faculty of Education by hosting events, fundraisers, and charitable drives in order to foster community and comradeship amongst Teacher Candidates. FESA's mission is to communicate on behalf of all students within the Faculty of Education while upholding the pillars of Care, Respect, Integrity, and Trust, which as future teachers we are mandated to deliver by the Ontario College of Teachers. Ultimately, FESA's aim is to create inclusive, safe, equitable, and diverse spaces within the Faculty of Education in order to represent student voice, student interests, and student initiatives.
Graduate Student Society
Formally known as the Graduate Student Council. We are a team of graduate and post-doctoral students working together to represent you through our events and initiatives, specially catered towards our School of Graduate and Post Doctoral students! We can’t wait to reconnect with you all this year and bring back representation to our graduate and post-doctoral students here at Ontario Tech University!
Health Science Society
The Ontario Tech Health Science Society, also known as the HealthSOC, strives to provide high quality experiences and represent students in all specializations within the Faculty of Health Sciences pertaining to Human Health, Public Health, Allied Health, Nursing (BScN), Kinesiology & Medical Laboratory Sciences. Our focus is to host a variety of academic, professional, and social initiatives throughout the academic year, and promote resources to enhance opportunities in healthcare for our students. Also, we aim to make a positive difference within our community by advocating for respect and unity, and fostering diverse and inclusive relationships within the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Humanities Society
The Humanities Society at Ontario Tech acts as a governing body that promotes and organizes activities for the members of the Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty including recreational, academic, and social events. The society also acts as a liaison between the students and the Student Association by expressing concerns or support on specific issues. The OTHS hopes to advocate for the students of downtown Oshawa while creating events and activities to enhance their student experience. We hope to create an environment that fosters student spirit and involvement.
Science Council
The Science Council is the representative body governing all undergraduate students studying in the Faculty of Science. The Council aims to provide services and events that give our membership to over a thousand students memories that will last a lifetime. The purpose of the Science Council is to enhance and diversify the student university experience. Known for hosting professional, academic, and wellness events throughout the year, students are able to build their profiles, and develop new skills. Our end goal is to become our students’ best friend: the service to turn to when they need help and the place they go just to have some fun. We hope to provide many opportunities for students to build friendships and develop networks that last beyond their time with us. The Science Council equips students with the confidence and important life skills they don’t get taught in classes or life hack videos. These skills are beneficial for graduate programs and career paths beyond the scope of the undergraduate years. We are that group that is easy to get involved with, that will provide you with a wholesome academic experience and professional support, and all while making sure you are having a great time.